January 6, 2015

Digging deep into the spectrum

Part 1

Open the link above and slide the green arrow across the different forms of Electromagnetic waves.

Look down at the bottom and notice how the wavelength changes with each type of electromagnetic wave.

Also notice how the energy level changes with the type of electromagnetic wave.

Now using the website answer the following questions in complete sentences in your science notebook.

Label the page “More about the Electromagnetic Spectrum and today’s date.”

Questions for discussion

    1. What are the differences between the different types of electromagnetic radiation?
      • Which has a longer wavelength – visible or infrared radiation?
      • Which contains more energy – visible or infrared radiation?
      • Which has a higher frequency – visible or infrared radiation?
    2.  About how fast do all EM waves move?
    3.  Do EM waves transmit energy or mass?

Part II

Click on the following website: Mission Science – the Electromagnetic Spectrum

a. Pick one of the types of radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum (Radio waves, Microwaves, Infrared Waves, Visible light, Ultraviolet Waves, X-rays, Gamma Waves)

b. Create a bubble map on the next page in your science notebook and label the top of page the name of Radiation type you chose from part a.

c. Put the Radiation type you chose in the center of the bubble map.  click on the link on the right hand side of the website for your radiation type.  Use this link to fill in your bubble map with important facts about your type of radiation.  You must have at least 8 bubbles.

d. You will share what you learned about your type of radiation with the whole class


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